Siemens Support Center Account Registration Guide
- Step 1
Please visit the main page of Siemens Support Center
Please click the button "Get started now" to apply an account.
- Step 2
Please fill the boxes of needed information and click the "Sign Up" button.
Note: system will send out a verification mail to the given address
- Step 3
Please setup password and click the "Sign Up" button.
Please follow the minimum requirements.
- Step 4
Please verify identity and click the "Continue" button.
System will send out a mail with verification code, please check the mail address which is given in step 2.
- Step 5.a [If customer HAS received the license file]
Please try to enter the Site ID and Web Access Code and click "Next Step" button.
- To find the Site ID and Web Access Code
Please check the license file and search the keyword "Sold-To/Site" and "WebKey Access Code" in the descriptions.
- Step 5.b [If customer NOT received the license file]
Please click the tab "I don't know my WAC/Site" and fill in the needed information.
After done, please click "Register" button.
Note: Please select "Avery" in the drop-down menu.
- Step 6
Thanks for your application.
After the registration complete, customer will receive a confirmation mail.
Please remember to check the mail box and follow the instructions in the mail to access Siemens support center.
Avery Design Systems