Currently Avery product licensing are being transferred from AVERY licensing (AVERYDES) to Siemens Standard Licensing (SALT). Unless you are an existing Avery customer, you should get a SALT license file and not an AVERYDES license file. Please check the license file to see what you got.
If your license file looks like the following with saltd/mgcld:
INCREMENT avyinsightutil saltd
INCREMENT avyinsightutil mgcld
It is SALT license file.
If your license file looks like the following with AVERYDES:
INCREMENT avy_insight_util AVERYDES
It is a AVERYDES license file.
If you got AVERYDES license file but expect SALT license file, please ask your sale/account manager to regenerate the license file. Trying to start SALT license server with AVERYDES license file will NOT work. Changing AVERYDES to saltd in he license file does NOT make an AVERYDES license file into a SALT one and will not work.
To migrate AVERYDES license to SALT license, on the server side please get SALT license from your sales/account manager, and then download "Siemens License Server" from Siemens Support Center to start the license server.
On the client side please make sure your PLI library is 2024.2 or newer. Then please unset AVERYDES_LICENSE_FILE and set SALT_LICENSE_SERVER to point to the new server. It is very important that you unset AVERYDES_LICENSE_FILE. If this environment variable is set, even if it points to "null" or an invalid server, our PLI will still try AVERYDES only.
Note that if you have multiple license servers, please use ";" instead of ":" between the servers. And if you set the variable in a Linux shell, escaping the semiclon is needed. For example:
export SALT_LICENSE_SERVER=1234@server1\;1234@server2
Avery products on Siemens Support Center are packaged using Siemens installer with .aol for Linux and .exe for Windows. It is an executable that should be executed. A GUI will appear and you can select the products you want to install. Note that all VIPs are packaged into the same installer. There is no separate installer for each VIP.
Avery CTS products are license protected in the installer. Only customers with valid CTS licenses, in SALT licensing, are able to install CTS releases from the installer. Please make sure your MGLS_LICENSE_FILE (not SALT_LICENSE_SERVER) points to a valid license server with valid CTS license where you run the installer. Otherwise, the product will be grayed out and you will not be able to install the product from the installer.
If you are still using AVERYDES licensing, please continue downloading CTS releases from Avery website.